There was a time when health issues like high blood pressure were limited to people in the 30s or so. But now days, these health issues are also being seen in kids and teenagers. Reasons behind it are many, which we will see in this article:
1. Being overweight – Well, this is something that is quite common in America and in other countries as well. Since science and technology has taken over every field, physical human work has been diminished significantly. Kids don’t go to parks for playing anymore; they are comfortable with their play stations. Office works no more require physical mobility, as everything is just a click away. And added to these, we hate walking, which ultimately leads a physical situation, we commonly know by the name of ‘overweight’. Studies show that 7 out of 10 high blood patients are overweight.
2. Too much salt intake - Who doesn’t like pizza? How can one forget burger, French fries, noodles, pasta and finger chips? These are such food items that we eat almost daily, don’t we? With the consumption of these eatables, the amount of salt consumed exceeds the amount of salt that should have been consumed, which is the direct invitation to high blood pressure.
3. Stress – Who in this busy world is not stressed? If you think it is just you, who after working all day in office, gets stressed, then you better ask your kid, who is in school, if he is stressed or not? You will surely get a ‘yes’ as answer. Kids, teenagers, housewives, office goers, businessmen, sports persons, and everyone else has to deal with stress. If you can handle it, you get saved, other- boom!
4. Older age – There are number of reasons why people don’t want to grow older. But which one is the most prominent reason? No, not getting ugly! It is the fact that when we grow older, we become easy prey for the diseases. The same goes with high blood pressure as well. With age, when our efficiency to hold back ourselves decreases, the chances to get high blood pressure increases.
5. Family history - if you have high blood pressure, then there are strong possibilities that you son//daughter could also get it from you. Studies have proved that hypertension also travels from parents to kids, and can be carried for generations. This may be surprising for you, but it is nothing else, but the truth.
6. Chronic diseases – There are several diseases, which bring high blood pressure along with them. Chronic kidney diseases especially bring it with them.
7. Smoking - There are so many commercials that loudly say that smoking is injuries to health, but why should anyone listen to it? Okay! Then face the consequences! Researchers have proved that smoking is one of the most prominent causes of high blood pressure. 5 out of 10 hypertension patients are chain smokers. So, quit smoking as soon as possible, because hypertension is nothing when we start counting the number of diseases that a smoker is likely to get.
8. Alcoholism - are you someone who enjoys drinking alcohol? Well, of course all those who drink it, enjoy it! But I mean are you someone who can’t help staying away from alcohol. Yes, addicted! Because if you are, then probably you will find it embarrassing that regular consumption of alcohol can bring hypertension at you doorsteps.
9. Gender – Well I am not a gender biased, but probably hypertension is. Yes, studies have proved that men are more likely to have high blood pressure as compared to women.
10.No-baby pill – Science has given us so much power that it has made human powerful like never before. Now we can control things that weren’t really meant to be controlled. For instance take the example of ‘birth control pills’. It is indeed a wonderful creation of science, but it too comes with a side effect. It can get you high blood pressure. So, take it at your own risk!
11.Lack of physical mobility – As discussed above, in this busy world, hardly anyone has time to be physically mobile. Forget work out, people don’t even want to walk. Well, in that case, you will probably not be surprised to know that physical immobility brings hypertension.
12.Ethnicity – It has been notices that people from Africa and Caribbean are more likely to get hypertensions than others.
What Makes Your Blood Pressure Go high
Medical experts have been twisting their heads from long time to know the exact answer to this question, but so far no solid illustration has been put forward.
But during the intense study of blood pressure, it has been noticed that in most of the high blood pressure cases, below mentioned have been the cause:
* Smoking- It doesn’t just harm your lungs, but also escalates your blood pressure.
* Overweight- It has been well said, “Overweight is the gateway to several biological problems”. It also makes your blood pressure go up.
* Excessive intake of salt- Our body needs salt, but when we take excessive amount of salt, our liver doesn’t accept it. Then the excessive salt goes to blood. Salt is hydro phallic. It attracts water, resulting in high blood pressure.
* Alcohol consumption- If more than 1-2 drinks are consumed in a single day for a long time, then it may lead to high blood pressure.
* Stress- On of the most important causes of high blood pressure.
* Hereditary issues- If you parents have it, you may also have it in you because of genetic transmission.
* Older age- it has often been seen that in elderly age, people suffer from high blood pressure.
Now, as you’re aware of the most common cause of blood pressure, you must take care of them.
Reasons Of Growing Hypertension
What causes high blood pressure, you must want to know if you are having this issue, or to your loved one in your relative, friend or so on. Well, yes here we will discuss all the causes which are responsible to develop high blood pressure in one’s body. Though, what is the exact cause of high blood pressure is still not known. In the development of it, there are several factors and conditions available which play a great role such as smoking, less physical activities, Being obese, salty diet, alcohol using, stress, genetics, old age, domestic history of it, adrenal or thyroid disorders, kidney disease etc.
These factors are playing a vast role in developing high blood pressure in one’s body. But what we have earlier said that the causes of hypertension are unknown then that is too true as in US 95 % cases of it are underlying reasons which have not been determined yet. This hypertension type is being called as essential hypertension. It is certainly a mysterious type of kind, as it links to some certain risky factors.
Mostly it affects men than women. In these criteria, age and race also play a vital role as in US black people are double as comparison of whites to have this problem, and the gap starts minimizing around age of 44. After 65, women ladies are most affected by high blood pressure problem.
Additionally, there are many other factors which cause hypertension and we will disclose them in our other posts shortly. So live healthy and live healthy, working on our articles.