Sunday, 21 July 2013

high blood pressure and hyper tension

High blood pressure is a major problem from which a large portion of elderly population is suffering from. There are various reasons behind the emergence of this disorder but you can treat it very well with a slight change in your diet and life style.
There are kinds of foods that increase the blood pressure. They include sodium salt, high fat content, red meat, and many artificial oils. Patients suffering from high blood pressure are strictly told to lessen their salt intake. If you are too taste conscious then better to go with ocean salt. Too much of regular salt is observed to have a real bad effect on health therefore replace it with the ocean salt.

Hydrogenated oils also referred as artificial oils should be avoided in case of high blood pressure. Try buying food with the label no hydrogenated oil that will help improve your circulation and eliminating the fluctuations in the blood pressure levels.
Avoid eating junk food, fatty food, fried food, and oily food. These kinds of foods contain Trans fatty acid which in turn disturbs the internal system of our body causing a deep effect on blood pressure.
Excess of salt is bad and excess of sugar is too restricted in diets of then patients suffering from hypertension. As high sugar content is rich in calories and calories in turn gives rise to obesity which forma one of the major drawbacks in the treatment of high blood pressure.
It is easy to regulate blood pressure once you get control over your daily diet. Therefore eat healthy to stay away from hypertension.

Are you fat?
I know I won’t get ‘yes’ for an answer to this question from anyone. People hardly acknowledge themselves as fat even if they are. So, better rephrase this question- do you posses weight more than you should?
What do you say now? I believe now there will be many ‘yes’. Since it is yes now, I must tell you that excessive body weight is a big welcome door for high blood pressure. And those hypertension patients, who have high blood pressure and too much body weight as well, are the people who must be bothered the most as it is a fatal combo. So pals, better get rid of the unnecessary fat as soon as possible!
Wondering how?
Don’t worry I’ll tell you that in this very post. The first and the foremost (which I guess is quite obvious one too) – start exercising. You must have heard these two words many times but most of you would have said no to it assuming it will get you tiered and you’ll have to go crazy doing exercises.
I’m sorry to say, but this ideology is wrong. That is not what happens. No one asked you do start heavy weight lifting, stomach crunches, sit ups, bench press and other complicated exercises. Go for light jogging, evening walks, rope jumping and many other similar easy exercises.
The next point that I’d advice is diet control. Start it immediately. It will work more efficiently than anything else and let you lose your high blood pressure.

Lose Your Body Weight To Say Bye-bye To Hypertension!
Posted on July 23, 2011 by admin
A new piece of information for all those who believe that heavy body weight just makes you look ugly. Well, it does lot more than that!
It gifts you diabetes, cardiac problems and even high blood pressure (HBP)!
In this post, we’ll see how awful heavy weight is for those who have high blood pressure.
In scientific language, they say body weight is directly proportional to blood pressure, which means the more one’s body weight is, the higher will be his/her blood pressure.
This is the reason why, when you consult a doctor for high blood pressure, the very first thing he’ll ask you to do is to lose body weight.
You’ll be shocked to know that the probability of treating a fat person with high blood pressure is significantly less than that of a fit person.
So, if you’ve heavy body weight (more than normal) and you have high blood pressure, then before anything else, lose your body weight. Then think of anything to control HBP.
You may do this by exercising, yoga and by planning your diet. But while you plan your diet, make sure that you don’t consume more amount of salt than normal. I said this because excessive salt increases blood pressure.

Some Hazardous Ingredients Should Give Up To Medicate Hypertension
Posted on July 13, 2011 by admin
For the treatment of any disease many factors work, such as life style, habits, food, place where you live and many others. Similarly, in the case of hypertension, some minor changes in daily life can lessen the problem undoubtedly. In lifestyle modification there are some certain recommended changes in your habits, diet and exercise and these life style modifications can reduce the pressure of blood as well as can improve patient’s condition in blood pressure cures as well.
Alcohol is one, the most disastrous and harmful thing, for people having issue of hypertension, as it has been seen people who use to drink alcohol excessively like more than two drinks every day suffer more than people who don’t drink that much of hypertension. So, if you are an alcoholic, better to first aid for your alcoholism, to get out of the problem of high blood pressure.
Though, smoking doesn’t affect the patient’s of hypertension directly, yet the chemical which exist in the cigarette really affect, whether for temporary, but yes they do. As smoking causes to narrow the blood vessels by chemical finds in the cigarettes and also increases the process of atherosclerosis, thus smokers are usually at the height of risk factor of heart attack or stroke. So a good advice for you, if you smoke, try to quit it and if you won’t they never try.
In this way, you have seen that intake of these suggested life style can help you reducing the problem of high blood pressure. Though, the process is not that easy, but what I believe is nothing is impossible, only needs a firm dedication. So develop a keen dedication and medicate the problem of hypertension.

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